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Planning Board Minutes 10/02/2008
Chichester Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting
October 2, 2008

Members present:  Chairman Tom Jameson, Richard Arell, Chris Weir, Ex-Officio Richard DeBold, Joanna McIntosh, Stan Brehm, Richard Moore (alt), and Secretary Jamie Pike.

Chairman Jameson opened the meeting at 6:35pm

The minutes of September 4, 2008 were reviewed and a motion was made by Ms. McIntosh and seconded by Mr. Jameson to approve the minutes as written.  Motion Passes.

Budget  A draft of the proposed 2009 budget was reviewed.  Line 4197-12 was reduced to $250.00.  A motion was made by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Ms. McIntosh to approve the 2009 budget of $9620.00 as amended.  Motion Passes.

In accordance with RSA 673:11, Mr. Moore was appointed as a voting member in the absence of Mr. Kenneally by Chairman Jameson.

Mr. Robert Mann and Mr. Jeff Andrews, both from the Conservation Commission, presented the recently completed High-Value Wetlands Study to the Board.  Topics of the presentation included the methods use to perform the study and the benefits and uses of the results.

Design Review - Subdivision - Acorn Creek Properties, Map 3 Lot 32

Mr. Steve Kosusko of Joe Wichert Land Surveying and owner Russ Abbott were present to speak on the merits of the proposal.

The intent of the proposed subdivision is to create a 5.16 acre building lot on Mason Road with 340 feet of frontage.  Mr. Pike has previously reviewed the application and all deficiencies have been addressed and corrected.

A motion was made to accept the application into the jurisdiction of the Planning Board was made by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Moore.  Motion Passes.

Public Hearing - Subdivision - Acorn Creek Properties, Map 3 Lot 32

Abutters present:  Deborah Ellis-Shaw

Mr. Steve Kosusko of Joe Wichert Land Surveying and owner Russ Abbott were present to speak on the merits of the proposal.

Mr. Craig Keeler, also present, reported that it is his intent to purchase this parcel.  The Road Agent has proposed the installation of a 18î culvert for the driveway which will provide water flow along Mason Road and resolve present drainage issues.

Mr. Kosusko stated that the official stamp of the Wetland Scientist will be presented on the final plans.

A motion was made by Mr. Moore to approve the application with the provision of the Wetland Scientist stamp as a precedent condition.  Motion seconded by Mr. Brehm.  Motion Passes.

Discussion - Subdivision - Raymond Houle - Map 2 Lot 65A

The intent of the proposed subdivision is to create a new 2 acre lot for a new home.  The lot is shown to be in the Rural-Agricultural and Open-Space Wetlands zone.  A variance was granted to the property in 1985 determining that the actual soil type present upon the property was residential, reducing the required acreage.  The Road Agent has viewed the property and given preliminary driveway approval for the new parcel.

Mr. Houle shall return to the Board with a completed application and surveyed plat.

Discussion - Site Expansion - Jim Kersch - Map 3 Lot 29-1

Mr. Kersch was present on this evening to detail the improvements he intends to make upon his property for the limited expansion of the existing business, The Healthy Buffalo.  Mr. Kersch will be adding a walk-in freezer to the exterior of the existing building and also add a carport type roof for the protection of the freezer.  The cooler will have access from the office area and display type doors in the store.  Building Inspector Paveglio has sent Mr. Kersch to meet with the Board to determine in the expansion shall require site review.  It was the consensus of the Board that the proposed expansion is of minimal impact and will not require site review.  Mr. Paveglio shall be notified of this decision.

Discussion - Site Development - Mark Drew ñ Map 4 Lot 167B

Mr. Drew was not present at this meeting.  Mr. DeBold informed the Board of the status of the zoning violation being handled by the Board of Selectmen.

Discussion - Subdivision - Brent Moses ñ Map 2 Lot 58

Mr. Dave Collier of Richard Bartlett & Associates presented preliminary plans to subdivide the existing lot into four 2 acre lots and one 5 acre lot and a remaining lot of 10± acres.  Each lot shall have road frontage along Higgins Road.

The Board discussed the excess trailers being stored at Capitol Golf.  The approved site plan provided for the storage of 5 trailers or motor homes for advertising purposes. Mr. Weir feels that as written the current zoning ordinance exempts recreational vehicles.  The sending of a memo the Board of Selectmen to apprise them of the situation was suggested.  No decision was made.

A motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:15pm was made by Mr. Jameson and seconded by Mr. Weir.  Motion Passes.

Respectfully submitted,

Jamie Pike, Secretary

Thomas Jameson, Chairman